STAAD.Pro(Structural Design Analysis process)
Analysis & Design:
- Static Analysis
- 2D/3D analysis based on state-of-the-art Matrix method to handle extremely large job.
- Beam, Truss, Tapered Beam, Shell/Plate Bending/Plane Stress.
- Full/partial Moment Releases.
- Member Offset Specification.
- Fixed, Pinned and Spring Supports with Releases. Also inclined Supports.
- Automatic Spring Support Generator.
- Linear, P-Delta Analysis, Non-Linear Analysis with automatic load and stiffness correction. Multiple Analysis within same run.
- Active/Inactive Members for Load-Dependent structures.
- Tension-only members and compression-only members, Multi-linear spring supports.
- CIMSTEEL Interface.
Dynamic/Seismic Analysis:
- Mass modeling, Extraction of Frequency and Mode shapes.
- Response Spectrum, Time History Analysis.
- Modal Damping Ratio for Individual Models.
- Harmonic Load Generator.
- Combination of Dynamic forces with Static loading for subsequent design.
Secondary Analysis:
- Forces and Displacements at sections between nodes.
- Maximum and minimum force Envelopes.
Load Types and Load Generation:
- Loading for Joints, Members/Elements including Concentrated, Uniform, Linear, Trapezoidal, Temperature, Strain, Support Displacement, Prestressed and Fixed-end Loads.
- Global, Local and Projected Loading Directions.
- Uniform or varying Element Pressure Loading on entire or selected portion of elements.
- Floor/Area Load converts load-per-area to member loads based on one-way or two-way actions.
- Automatic Moving Load Generation as per standard AASHTO or user defined loading.
- UBC 1997.AIJ/IS 1893/Cypriot Seismic Load Generation.
- Automatic Wind Load Generation. Factored Load Combinations including algebraic, absolute and SRSS combination schemes.
Finite Element Capabilities:
- Accurate and numerically Efficient Plate/Shell Element incorporating out-of-plane shear and in-plane rotation.
- Automatic Element Mesh Generation.
- Comprehensive Element Stress Output including in-plane stresses, out-of-plane shear, bending and principal stresses at nodal as well as user specified points.