STAAD.Pro(Structural Design Analysis process) Part-2

STAAD.Pro(Structural Design Analysis process)

Analysis & Design:  
  1. Static Analysis
  2. 2D/3D analysis based on state-of-the-art Matrix method to handle extremely large job. 
  3. Beam, Truss, Tapered Beam, Shell/Plate Bending/Plane Stress. 
  4. Full/partial Moment Releases. 
  5. Member Offset Specification. 
  6. Fixed, Pinned and Spring Supports with Releases. Also inclined Supports. 
  7. Automatic Spring Support Generator. 
  8. Linear, P-Delta Analysis, Non-Linear Analysis with automatic load and stiffness correction. Multiple Analysis within same run. 
  9. Active/Inactive Members for Load-Dependent structures. 
  10. Tension-only members and compression-only members, Multi-linear spring supports. 
  11. CIMSTEEL Interface.  

Dynamic/Seismic Analysis:
  1. Mass modeling, Extraction of Frequency and Mode shapes. 
  2. Response Spectrum, Time History Analysis. 
  3. Modal Damping Ratio for Individual Models. 
  4. Harmonic Load Generator. 
  5. Combination of Dynamic forces with Static loading for subsequent design.  

Secondary Analysis:
  1. Forces and Displacements at sections between nodes. 
  2. Maximum and minimum force Envelopes. 

Load Types and Load Generation:  
  1. Loading for Joints, Members/Elements including Concentrated, Uniform, Linear, Trapezoidal, Temperature, Strain, Support Displacement, Prestressed and Fixed-end Loads. 
  2. Global, Local and Projected Loading Directions. 
  3. Uniform or varying Element Pressure Loading on entire or selected portion of elements. 
  4. Floor/Area Load converts load-per-area to member loads based on one-way or two-way actions. 
  5. Automatic Moving Load Generation as per standard AASHTO or user defined loading. 
  6.  UBC 1997.AIJ/IS 1893/Cypriot Seismic Load Generation. 
  7. Automatic Wind Load Generation. Factored Load Combinations including algebraic, absolute and SRSS combination schemes. 

Finite Element Capabilities: 
  1. Accurate and numerically Efficient Plate/Shell Element incorporating out-of-plane shear and in-plane rotation. 
  2. Automatic Element Mesh Generation. 
  3. Comprehensive Element Stress Output including in-plane stresses, out-of-plane shear, bending and principal stresses at nodal as well as user specified points.

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